Thursday, February 26

DIY Project: bookshelf for too many books on the cheap

It's true, I own way too many things....especially books. So now that I have to add my books to the bf's collection it is obviously time to get a bookcase so there are not random stacks laying around like in my previous place.

We had an empty wall that is perfect the home for our books, but we didn't want to spend a bunch of money at Ikea for something that would break in a year as most of their furniture has in my experience. Thus, we borrowed an idea from my friends Erin & Chippy and decided to build one with wood and garden stones. (Their shelf was for CD's so we had to adjust as necessary for the varying heights of books).

All we needed were 5 pieces of lumber that we later sanded and a shit ton of garden stones:

We stacked the stones like so:

After stacking the stones, the bookcase became stable:

Thus it was time to fill it up:

I think the bookshelf makes a great focal point for the room. It's also right across from the bed so I'll have something else pleasing to look at every morning (other than the bf who was patient enough to listen to my idea for the bookshelf, then help me make it).

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