Friday, February 4

She's Gone Mad

To quote my station manager down at the radio station, "This has been the most inefficent week ever!"

Sadly a lot of people do not realize when they are being plauged by the horribleness that is inefficiency, but there are signs that one can recognize in its early stages. The only remedy is to lock yourself in your room and hide in bed for many days.

WARNING SIGNS OF INEFFICIENCY (based on my week of inefficient events)

Your check decides it will take 4 days to clear.
If this every happens to you, I suggest you start collecting donations from your rich friends. The bank will not help you get your money faster. You are basically fucked until the banking system decides to finally accept your bum college check.

You throw hissy fits in convience stores.
After your bank check does not clear, you need to accept it. Do not try to fool your ATM card...It cannot be done. (And the rich folks in places like Radnor do not appreciate you yelling out a string of curses when you cannot afford a pack of smokes due to the inefficiency of banks.

You almost die due to an inefficient car.
Well if you haven't recognized the warning signs by now, shame on you. Unless you have a stroke of luck you will die when your car dies inches away from King of Prussia Road and you cannot stop or brake due to loss of power steering and power brakes.

The apple store magically runs out of the iPod cover you want.
A person truly adores their iPod. Mine is most commonly referred to as my boyfriend. (I think I may like it more than my real sir at certain moments.) If the apple store runs out of what you want, do not cause a scene. If you do, then even the computer nerds won't get with you.

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