Monday, April 4


Instead of going to Macrock like originally planned, I tried to make the best of my weekend here in PA. Since it was Fullerton's birthday and I only have barely enough money for cigarettes until Friday's paycheck I decided to give him a birthday present that was free of cost.

Usually when I try to do this it ends up being a crazy looking collage or just another one of my famous mixtapes. This time I took Fullerton and Amanda the roommate with me to the Dog's Die in Hot Cars show right down the road to do what turned out to be an amazing interview.

I must admit that everyone drinking and chain smoking added in with their thick accents is making it a little hard to transcribe the interview. But how else would I have found out they went to the same school as the Beta Band? Or where else could I hear Craig, Lee and Fullerton compare our local museum to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

Their show was excellent. I saw them once before at CMJ which totally blew my mind. I must say me and Fullerton's pumping fists and Amanda getting picked up by random boy all throughout the show were also entertaining.

I did think Amanda left to make out with random boy, but she swears he was just leaning close to her face to ask if he could buy her a drink. I'm glad she turned him down...he was super intoxicated as it was AND it turns out he was from James Madison University. Yes, DDIHC is great and I would drive like 4 hours to see them, but I sure as hell wouldn't do that if Macrock was taking place on my campus.

Dogs Die in Hot Cars = best interview I've had in weeks...

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