Thursday, June 2

Home of the Riversharks

Things is been absolutely crazy lately. Last weekend's excursion to the Bronx resulted in us missing the Wrens. Yet a friend informed singer Charles that I managed to miss their set, and he emailed me a apology. I'm thinking about heading down to Atlanta in August for Clermont's big weekend and the Wrens will be there playing a set, so all is not lost.

Aside from working my sucky cubicle job every weekday from 9am - 5pm, I've been actually going to the gym, cleaning my radio office, help setting up the new operating system in the station and not seeing anyone.

Speaking of my office job, apparently I'm a little too eccentric at times for the co-workers. Perhaps someone should make up a new rules of conduct for a classy girl as myself:

1. Do not copy the subject lines of Cialis commercials onto post-it notes and hang them around the office.
Apparently my co-workers don't appreciate post-it notes saying "It's not working like it used to?" and "Don't be the little guy in the club" hanging from their cubicles when they walk in every morning.

2. It is unacceptable to listen to your iPod when you work at any point during the day. For god's sake, do not sing when you are filing.
Even though I think that Art Brut is the best thing since sliced bread, no one in the office shares my love for bands from across the sea. They also do not find the humor in me singing along "I've seen her naked- twice!" (I suggest everyone go listen to "Good Weekend" by Art fucking good, just don't sing along or else boss man will be angered.)

3. Do not break the dress code. You will be reprimanded.
I guess this morning my Merge Records pin was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'll wear jean jackets with my business casual if I feel like it! And I'll wear pins on my lapel if I damn please....unless boss man threatens to fire me again.

4. Keep you voice to a low level, others are trying to work around you.
This morning there was a huge bug walking around the office. It got closer and closer to my $2 vintage purse while I sipped my coffee. I tried to be quiet...I really did, but I finally exploded and yelled "You! Get the hell away from my purse!" (No one fucking messes with my vintage plastic purse unless they want to be squashed by my stiletto.)

This Saturday is the Spoon show. I'm way too excited for my own good. I suggest all of you in the general area come check them out. The new album is definitely one of my favorites of the year.

Speaking of new albums, I've recently been rocking out to the new Coldplay, Xiu Xiu, Sons and Daughters, Duke Spirit, The Mae Shi and Belle and Sebastian. My ears have been happy lately. Now I just need to work on making my tummy happy. Ever since I decided to work on my housewife skills, my belly has been angered by my cooking artforms.

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