Friday, May 13

I Never

So it's been exactly 7 minutes since my last and final cigarette ever.

I already want another. Scratch that, I already want like 4. I never thought this quiting business was going to be so goddamn hard. I always want a cigarette: in the morning with my coffee, walking to work, just because I'm bored, because someone pisses me off or just because I can.

I really was going to quit on the day after my birthday, but yesterday I just couldn't help myself. My parents came up to visit and it was the day of my interview over at FMQB so not smoking a cigarette would have resulted in only badness.

While I started cleaning out my desk I found empty cigarette packs. (like 8 because I would just chuck them in my desk drawer and reach for a new pack.)

I did pal around Krista for the better part of the day so of course smoking was included. I think the only good thing to result from her not returning as station manager for WYBF is that I'll be able to quit. Yet I don't know how to maintain sanity while dealing with the kiddies and being music director. I can just picture myself now slitting someone's throat with the CD's that pile up on my desk instead of reviewing them.

I'm going to see Will Ferrel's new movie in a few minutes with the Libertarian. (By the way, he and I polished off an entire bottle of wine to celebrate our new jobs - his paying like $50,000 more than mine because mine is an unpaid internship.) This movie better be funny...or else I'm going to want a cigarette and then some poor bystander is going to feel my wrath.

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