Thursday, October 7

Collars Up Fools

Random telephone conversation between me and my dad from last night:

Dad: Hello?
Me: Hi Dad, it's Christine!
D: Christine who?
M: You know... Christine, as in your daughter?
D: Oh, what do you want? You woke the entire house up.
M: Dad, it's only like 10pm. Where is mom?
D: She's at work. She goes to work at 9pm.
M: Oh, well I was just calling to say hi. You know, I haven't talked to you in like 2 months.
D: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Next time call before mom leaves for work, you woke the entire house up.
M: My apologies. Guess what?
D: What?
M: I just got back from Villanova University. I saw Archbishop Desmond Tutu!
D: Who's that? Your drug dealer?
M: No! Tutu, as in he won the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Apartheid regime in S. Africa. And I was invited to the special presentation afterwards. I got to meet him, he shook my hand, and I got a picture of us for the newspaper.
D: You know, you really need to lay off the booze and drugs.

Ahhhhh, the family is coming tomorrow night to pay me a visit! I actually am really excited to see them. They bring such amusement to my life.

By the way, 8 reasons why I'll miss my Fullerton when I go to NYC:

Kicksnwindmills: ok, here are my comments on the records.
Kicksnwindmills: Elliott Smith is very disorienting, it kinda fucks me up on repeated listens, a good sleeping pill album. Twilight is the jam and so is Fond Farewell
Kicksnwindmills: Trail of Dead is wildly awesome although it doesn't sound finished yet, the need to do something more with the production, but the songs are awesome
Kicksnwindmills: "Beating Hearts Baby" is like the best song I've heard in a while, props on "Fit and you know it" and "Dance Commander"
Kicksnwindmills: Your away message is the only Broken Social Scene song I like
Kicksnwindmills: Joseph Arthur's "Even Tho" should definetly be on your playlist, it's so well arranged, it's like a lost Peter Gabriel song
Kicksnwindmills: I think it's wild that "Lottery Winners on Acid" is in the top 10 of the CMJ chart
Kicksnwindmills: Haven't gotten to Moving Units or Blue Van yet, more on them later

I make him CD's and dance mixes and he talks to my away message about them...always a happy surprise for me to wake up to in the morning.

I leave for CMJ in 5 days! Loud Rock Dave is whisking me away at some point during my office hours today so we can go "shopping." (Shopping as in I need to get my house-warming present for my Daniel)

And the disturbing note of the day is that I realized to be cool you have to wear your collar up, at least in Radnor. I don't have enough shirts to wear my collar up everyday and frankly I just don't look like the kind of person to rock the collar up thing. But perhaps its only at Villanova that you need to wear this trend. Damnit, now I'll never be cool. I'm crying right now, really...

(if you cannot sense the sarcasm there, I suggest you wear your collar up because perhaps you are one of those barbie/ken freaky reproductions of perfection that I had to associate with last night.)

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