Friday, October 1

Homesick...Who Me?

So today I was on the phone with my buddy Justin from Planetary. He lives in Boston and totally has no idea about South Jersey in the least bit, but he was still ragging on it.

And after the conversation I started thinking about home and how I should return to visit my family and my dog. (I fucking love my dog...he's the coolest canine in the entire world!) I mean I probably won't go back until after CMJ, and that means I won't come back for at least 3 weeks or so.

Then my old friend Jon from back home gave me a call tonight and bitched me out for not keeping in touch. I really tried to explain the truth, its just that I'm too busy to come home. And besides, I'd rather forget about everything in South just plain sucks there sometimes.

Here's a picture of my parent's lovely house in Jersey. Yes I live about 5 minutes from the beach. No you may not come and visit me unexpectedly and think you can use it as your "summer vacation home." No, you may not stalk me either.

Even if it is the very southern tip of Jersey, one of the most boring destinations EVER, I still miss home.

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