Thursday, September 2

I Miss the Good Times of Summer

I found this picture laying around my desk and just had to post it. Yeah, that's the super irish Kelly and me in the NOFX pit moments before they came on and we got the shit kicked out of us. Yes, I'm eating her hair (it was in my goddamn face and I warned her like a million times to get it out of there) Ok ok ok, this picture was taken after I split a rum and coke and a margherita with John...if that gives any explanation onto why I would eat her hair like that...(Notice how my hand is wrapped up in gauze. I got this wicked burn a few days before this show. It was definately like a 2nd degree burn, but my parents wouldn't take me to the hospital so I fixed it up the best way possible.) Wow good times. It almost makes me miss home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Christine! Stop eating people's hair. Totally not cool at all.